
Confirmation step of the advice process to complete and finalise outstanding work.

Advice agrements

Any related advice agreements for this advice will be listed. If you hadn't done this in the advice agreement step you can complete your advice agreement here. This will set the status of the agreement to Active. You can read more about advice agreements here.


You can complete and download your documents in this step. Completing a document will:

  • Date and time stamp when the document was completed

  • Save who completed the document

Once a document is completed the Draft banner will no longer appear on the document download.

If you need to make a change to a completed document you can ask your MOAS administrators to uncomplete it for you.

Completing advice

To finalise your advice all you need to do is select either Complete or Cancel in this step.

Completing the advice will:

  • Complete all documents

  • Complete all advice agreements

  • Complete the advice

  • Save historical values of assets and liabilities at this point in time

Cancelling your advice is to indicate the client did not proceed with engaging financial planning services with your organisation. This will remove the outstanding advice from any lists, add a cancellation date and close the advice. You can still see cancelled advice listed on the group page.

If you are no longer going to be engaging with this group it is also recommended to archive that group so it won't show up in advice lists in the future. You can always un-archive a group if needed.

Last updated