Page Content

Page content is all the content that can be added to a page. This includes text content or a number of data driven components, such as models and cashflow.

Adding content

Content adding can be found using the Insert button found under the document name .

Locked content

Content can be locked in template, this means the content cannot be edited, deleted, re-sized or duplicated.


When a content needs attention it will show a warning icon in both the sidebar and on the content itself. You may need to add in some graphs or client assets in these areas.


Text content will add a textbox to the page which you can then type freely within. The text can be styled using the toolbar at the top of the screen.

See Styling textfor more information on text styling.

The rich text editor has a “mentions” feature where you can insert client and adviser data from MOAS into the document without having to type it in manually. When using these in a template it will mean when it is time to create a document that data will pre-fill off the system.

See Mention or more information on mentions.


Models can be added to documents by clicking on the model icon. Clicking this icon will bring up a list of all models in MOAS.

Model options

Scenario based models will have the option to display the Comparison or the Scenario. This can be found in the menu on the right hand side under "Selected Content".

Assigning models

In the document editor, a model can be assigned to the placeholder by selecting the image icon. Scenarios can also be switched by clicking the "Change scenario" button (pictured below).


Assets can be added by clicking the assets icon found in the "Add content" section of the right hand menu. See below for all asset options:

  • Annuity

  • Cash

  • Collectible

  • Offset

  • Other Asset

  • Property

  • Shares

  • Superannuation

  • Vehicle


By default all asset components will appear as "grouped". This view shows all assets in a list format. This can be resized to fit in one column or span across two columns.


Individual asset components will span two columns. You will need to select which asset to display.


Liabilities work the same as assets but are only available in the grouped view. The liabilities options are Loans and Other Liabilities.


Entities display individually. In the document editor, you will need to assign an entity to the content. In the document templater, a placeholder is shown.


Goals can be displayed individually or grouped. For the individual view you will need to select which goal to display.

Client details

Client details can be displayed individually or grouped. For the individual view you will need to select which client to display.

Income and Cashflow

Income and cashflow component displays the cashflow summary of the selected scenario. You can toggle between scenarios and comparisons by clicking the "Change scenario" button.


Insurance can be added as a grouped component or individual. For individual insurance content, you will need to select the insurance type then select which insurance to display.

For document templater, you can specify which type of insurance an insurance content is by changing the insurance type.

Salary packaging

Salary packaging is available in individual view. You will need to select which salary packing to display.

Estate Planning

Estate planning content will show the estate planning details for all clients in the group.

Children details

Children content shows all children related to the group in a list format.

Advice agreement

Advice agreement content is split into four options, individual service, payment instructions, service cost and services summary. Advice agreement values can also be added as a Mention in Textcomponents.

Individual service

Individual services will display all services grouped underneath a service type. To change which service type is displayed, click the change service type button.

Payment instructions

This content will display a table with payee names (from the related advice agreement) with blank spaces for clients to enter BSB, Account Number and Frequency values.

Service cost

Service cost displays a summary of advice agreement cost. The advice agreement displayed will be the one related to the advice. This can be viewed and managed in the advice agreement step of the advice tool.

Services Summary

Services summary displays all services types in a list with the total cost of the advice agreement listed at the bottom.


The logo, logo symbol and background image can be added by clicking the "Add image" button.

Table of contents

Add table of contents button will display the table of contents for the document.

Duplicating content

Content can be duplicated by clicking the duplicate button (see below for an example).

Deleting content

To remove any content from a page simply click on the content you want to delete and press the delete button. This will remove it from the page.

Once a content is deleted it cannot be recovered. You will need to add a new content to replace it.

Last updated