Assets & Liabilities

Financial Data -> Assets & Liabilities for all asset and liability detail.

Found on the Financial data tab, Assets & Liabilities contains summary and detailed information of all clients in a group’s assets and liabilities. This is categorised into the following:

  • Annuity

  • Cash

  • Collectibles

  • Loans

  • Offset

  • Property

  • Shares

  • Superannuation

  • Other asset

  • Other liability

Assets and liabilities are by default shown in a list view as pictured above. To view more detail, edit, delete add notes etc. Click the asset or liability.


All assets and liabilities have “History” - where historical values and dates can be added per item. This can be found at the bottom of the asset or liability card (pictured below).

History can be added, edited or deleted here. To expand and minimise, select the arrow on the far right.

Asset Allocation

For all assets, asset allocation can be added. Asset allocation is a percent and can be split into the following categories:

  • Cash

  • Fixed Interest

  • International Shares

  • Australian Shares

  • Property Direct

  • Property General

  • Emerging Markets

  • Other

  • Average Annual Rate of Return

Only one asset allocation can be created per asset. This can be deleted at any time. Asset allocation is used for numerous model calculations.


All assets and liabilities have a notes functionality - where relevant notes can be added. When adding a note, the time and user name are saved by default.

Last updated