
Details -> Details tab to record individual client detail, children and interest.


Details for each client in the group are displayed on the Details -> Details. You can edit a clients details by clicking the cog in the top right of the card. Each client within a group has their own details.

Client status is used to identify which clients in a group are activly engaging with your organisation. If for some reason you need a client within a group to be omitted from an advice document then set their status to Archived.


Children can be recorded on the Details -> Details tab. You can add multiple children to a group.

On each child card you will find an add button and child details. To edit child details, click the cog and to add notes select the add note button.


Interest is used to record what areas of financial advice a client may be interested in discussing or receiving. To edit which types click on each one to select/deselect it.

Last updated