
Creating a Scenario

To begin, unless the scenario has been populated with client data, the scenario will look like the image below:

By default the Scenario name will be “Scenario #”. To edit this, change the name in the input found adjacent to the duplicate and delete buttons.

Scenarios can be duplicated by selecting the duplicate button. All scenario data will be duplicated into a new scenario.


Scenario clients can be either clients or entities. Any number of scenario clients can be added.

Below is an example of a scenario client and a scenario entity.


Below is an example of scenario children, any number can be added to a scenario:


Scenario insurance can be one of the following types:

  • Death

  • Income protection

  • Total and permanent disability

  • Trauma

The inputs for each type are the same. An example of this is below:


Scenario asset can be one of the following types:

  • Annuity

  • Cash

  • Collectible

  • Offset

  • Other asset

  • Property

  • Shares

  • Superannuation

  • Vehicle

The inputs for each type are different. An example of a property asset can be found below:


Scenario liabilities can be one of the following types:

  • Loan

  • Other liability

The inputs for each type are the same. An example of this is below:

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