
Advice totals

Every time Advice is completed in MOAS, a number of advice totals are saved alongside the advice. These totals include:

  • Home property total

  • Investment property total

  • Superannuation asset total (all assets owned by a self managed superfund’s value)

  • Investment asset total (all remaining assets)

  • Home loan total

  • Superannuation loan total (all loans owned by a self managed superfund’s value)

  • Investment loan total (all remaining loans - including investment property)

These totals are used for a number of different model calculations.

Historical advice can be added in MOAS to capture these totals for years a client group has not received advice within MOAS. To add these totals, go to Group → Advice → Historical.

Net total wealth

Net total wealth is calculated by adding Home property total, Investment property total, Superannuation asset total and Investment asset total and subtracting this sum by the sum of Home loan total, Superannuation loan total and Investment loan total.

Net investment wealth

Net investment wealth is the total sum of investment assets. This is calculated by adding Investment property total, Superannuation asset total and Investment asset total and subtracting this sum by the sum of Superannuation loan total and Investment loan total.


For models that span over a set number of years a target needs to be set. The target can be found next to the end date input in the model data section.

Initial target value

The starting value will be the total asset value of the earliest advice year recorded in MOAS. If there is no total asset value for previous years, it will be 0.

Target increase

To calculate the target increase year on year MOAS subtracts the initial target value by the final target value and divides this by the number of years in the graph (This is determined by the model end date field or if none is set this will default to 30 years). As the calculation cycles through the model years, the increase is added to the initial target value to created a linear target.

Last updated