
Settings is used to perform admin tasks on the group.

Group Status

Group status can be found in the top left corner of the group menu. There are three different status a group can have:

  1. Active - These groups are active client groups, they will show up in review lists

  2. Prospect - These are client groups in the process of being converted to Active.

  3. Lead - Lead groups are for new client groups that are not receiving advice yet.

MOAS charges per group per month. Lead groups are cheaper, Archived groups are free.

Group status can be changed by clicking the status in the top left corner of the group menu.

Archive Group

You can archive a group by toggling the "Archive Group" toggle. This will disable the group page and is intented to be used for groups that are no longer engaging with your organisaiton.

Archiving a group will omit that group from showing up in any advice lists. This is so you do not get a warning for upcoming advice for a archived gorup. You can still view archived groups via the searchbar or in advanced search.

Group view

By default, when the group page is loaded the “Group View” is selected. Group view applies to the entire group page and lets you see the grouped client’s information. If you need to view only one client in the group, click the toggle in the group menu.

Add a client

To add a client to the group, click the "Add Client". A pop-over will appear allowing you to input the new clients name. Once you confirm the client name and click "Add Client" you will see them listed on the group page.

Split a group

To move a single client to a new group, click the “Split Group” button located near the bottom of the group menu. A pop-over will appear allowing you to select the client that you want to move with a warning which you will need to confirm. Splitting a group will create a new group with the client you select.

Any entities, advice documents, models, projects, tasks, opportunities and service requests will remain in the original group. Any joint-owned assets will remain in the original group and will no longer be connected to the client you move. If you need an asset to continue to be in both groups, you will need to add it to the new group once it is created. Once you do this it cannot be undone.

Delete client

To delete a single client from a group, click the "Delete Client" button located near the bottom of the group menu. A pop-over will appear allowing you to select the client that you want to delete with a warning which you will need to confirm.

If a client is deleted from a group, all of their notes and other details will be deleted too. This cannot be undone.

Delete group

To delete a group, click the "Delete Group" button located at the bottom of the group menu. A pop-over will appear with a warning which you will need to confirm.

If a group is deleted, all clients and their data are deleted too. This cannot be undone.

Last updated