
This page refers to the tasks, projects and opportunities tabs. When loading any of these tabs you will see a list of items, filter, add button and title.

Adding an item

Items (tasks, opportunities and projects) can be added by selecting the "New item" button found in the top right corner.

When adding an item, a menu will open with two options - "Blank item" and "Template item". Blank item will create a blank new item while template item will create an item from a template.

Both options open a menu where a group needs to be selected and if creating a template item, a template needs to be selected. Once the options have been selected, you will need to click the "New item" button underneath the selects to add the item.

Tasks, opportunities or projects cannot be created without assigning a group.


The filter is set to "Your items due by today" by default. Clicking the filter will open a menu with all the standard filter options - simply click one of the options to change the item view.

Advanced Filter

Advanced filter allows you to further filter your item list by team, tag and status. This button is found underneath the "New item" button in the top right corner.

Clicking the advanced filter will open a menu with filter options, and each of these will open another menu where you can choose your filter options.

Last updated