
Opportunities in MOAS are designed to help you keep on top of potential new revenue. On this page you will find all the detailed information on viewing, editing and deleting individual opportunities.

What is an opportunity?

Opportunities are designed to help you keep track of potential new client work. They consist of a number of fields (see below) and a description where you can add lists and checkboxes.

Editing an opportunity

Title, Due date & Value

Title, due date and value are input fields where you can type. To edit these, select the input and type in your new value.

Priority, Assigned to and Referred by

Priority, Assigned to and Referred by are buttons which provide you set options you can click to update the value.

Teams and Tags

Teams and tags can be added by selecting the plus symbol and removed by hovering over the team/tag and clicking the cross. See Teams & Tags for more information.


Status can be changed by clicking on the status. This will cycle through the following options: "Not started", "In progress", "Won", "Lost".

If a opportunity is overdue, the status cannot be changed.

See Status for more information.


Opportunity description can be edited by typing into the description box. Description can have any number of free text, checkboxes, numbered lists and unordered lists. Additionally, text can be made bold, italic and underlined.

Opportunity options

Selecting the option menu in the top right corner of the task will give you three options: "Convert to project", "Close opportunity" or "Delete opportunity".

Converting an opportunity to a project will create a new project based on the opportunity. Clicking this option will give you the choice to create a blank project or create a project based on a template. All the opportunity detail will be copied over to the new project and the opportunity will then be marked as "Converted".

Closing an opportunity will set the opportunity status as closed and remove the opportunity from view. See Status for more information.

Deleting an opportunity will permanently delete the opportunity from MOAS.


To add notes to an opportunity, navigate to the notes tab, type your note then select the "Add note" button. When notes are added MOAS saves a timestamp and the user who added the note, this appears at the top of the note.

Notes can be deleted by selecting the delete button found in the top right corner of the note.

Last updated

When any field is updated in the opportunity, the time and user is saved alongside the updated value. This can be found next to "Last updated" in opportunity details.

Last updated