Styling text

The rich text editor allows for lots of customisation similar to other applications like Word and Google docs. The template your organisation set up has already formatted most of the document for you. If you need to make any tweaks or changes simply select and highlight the text you want to change and edit using the top menu bar or the hovering toolbar.

Styling options

See list below for all styling options:

  • Headers - select from Header 1 - 6 or Paragraph to apply the styling to your text. These header styles are from the selected theme.

  • Font family - select from a list of google fonts.

  • Font size - select from a list of available font sizes.

  • Font weight - select from a list of font weights. Can also used the "Bold" toggle.

  • Colour - colour selector allows you to pick any text colour. HEX values can also be entered using the textbox provided, or select one of the theme colours.

  • Highlight - like colour, choose any highlight colour. A list of highlight colours is also provided.

  • Bold, Italic & Underline - these styles can be applied in the main toolbar or in the hovering toolbar

  • Line height - number input for text line height.

  • Letter spacing - number input for letter spacing.

  • Un-ordered list - turns highlighted text into a bulleted list. Can also be applied in the hovering toolbar.

  • Ordered list - turns highlighted text into a numbered list. Can also be applied in the hovering toolbar.

  • Alignment - aligns text. There are 4 alignment buttons, Left, Center, Right and Justify.

In addition to the styling options, links can be added clicking the link icon in the toolbar. Clicking on this will open a popup asking you to provide the link. The highlighted text will then become a clickable link.

Last updated