
Themes are used to set consistent styling across all templates and documents.

Themes can be found by clicking the Document templater icon in the side menu. Here you will find all templates, themes and libraries.

Creating a theme

To create a new theme navigate to the Document templater option in the side menu and click Create theme. You will be directed to the new theme you have created.

When you sign up to MOAS for the first time a default theme will be created for you - feel free to use this or change to suit your organisations style.

Editing a theme

Selecting a theme from the list of templates, themes and libraries will take you to the theme editor. Here, you will find a number of styling options to customise your theme. See below for customisable options.


There are 6 header options and one paragraph option per theme. You can edit the font family, font size, font weight, colour, line height, line spacing and alignment for each of the header options. This is done by selecting a header item and using the toolbar found at the top of the document to customise the selected header.

Page numbers

Page number background colour, font size and font colour can be edited in the theme editor. These page numbers will display on every page in the document with the "include page number" checkbox selected (this will be selected by default).


Theme colours can be edited, deleted and added. Theme colours are a way to access the same colours quickly and will appear in the colour selector.


The following images can be added to a theme:

  • Logo symbol - this is used for the page footer.

  • Logo - this is your full logo that can be added to any page in a document by selected the "add image" button in the add content dropdown.

  • Background - like the logo, this can be added to any document. It will take up the full page height.

Duplicate theme

Themes can be duplicated by selecting the "duplicate theme" button in the top right corner. Once selected, you will be re-directed to the new duplicated theme.

Deleting a theme

To Delete a theme navigate to the one you want to delete. Up the top right of the screen you will see the delete button. This will remove the theme from your organisation.

Once you delete a theme it cannot be recovered.

Last updated