
Group details tab.

Group Status

Group status can be found in the top left corner of the group menu. There are three different status a group can have:

  1. Active - These groups are active client groups, they will show up in review lists

  2. Prospect - These are client groups in the process of being converted to Active.

  3. Lead - Lead groups are for new client groups that are not receiving advice yet.

MOAS charges per group per month. Lead groups are cheaper, Archived groups are free.

Group status can be changed by clicking the status in the top left corner of the group menu or from the settings tab.


Groups can be archived by navigating to the Settings page. Archiving a group will keep the status and disabled the application for the group.

When a group status is changed, a date is saved and can be found by hovering over the question mark at the top of the group menu.


The details page is broken up into further sub tabs. By default the contact page is selected.



Employment & ID


Last updated