
Details -> Contact tab to record group details, teams, contact details and address'.

Group details

Group details are displayed Details -> Contact at the top of the tab. You can edit the group details here by pressing the cog.


Tags can be added by selecting the plus symbol in the group details card and removed by hovering over the tag and clicking the cross. Tags can be used to identify collections of groups and used in advanced search.


In the Details → Contact tab there is the Teams card. Teams can be added by clicking 'Add Team' and removed by clicking the cog and selecting 'Remove team from group'. Multiple teams can be assigned to a group. Having groups assigned to teams allows them to more accurately appear in advice and task lists.

To view more information about how to add or edit teams click here.

Contact details

Contact details for each client in the group are displayed on the Details -> Contact tab. You can edit a clients contact details by clicking the cog in the top right of the card. Each client within a group has their own contact details.


Address is different from the other group information as you can add multiple addresses.

Addresses are related to individual clients and are found in the Details → Contact at the bottom of the tab.

On each address card you will find an add button and address details. To edit an address, click the cog and to add notes select the add note button.

Last updated