
Projects in MOAS are designed to help you keep on top of large client group jobs. On this page you will find all the detailed information on viewing, editing and deleting individual projects.

What is a project?

Projects are designed to help you keep track of large client group jobs. A project can have any number of phases, and phases can have any number of tasks.

Project editing

Title, Start date & Due date

Title, start date and due date are input fields where you can type. To edit these, select the input and type in your new value.


Priority is a button which provides you set options you can click to update the value.

Teams and Tags

Teams and tags can be added by selecting the plus symbol and removed by hovering over the team/tag and clicking the cross. See Teams & Tags for more information.


Project status is calculated based on the status of the project tasks. See Status for more information.


Projects can have multiple phases. Phases have a title and can have any number of project tasks. Phase title is an input and can be edited by selecting the title and typing. See the example below:

Phases can be duplicated or deleted by clicking the options button on the right.

Phases can also be re-ordered. This is done by pressing and holding the grid icon on the far left.

Project tasks

Phases can have any number of tasks, these are called project tasks. These tasks are a slimed down version of regular tasks - they contain a title, status, due date, assigned user and a description. To edit a project task, click on the field you want to edit and type your new value in.

Project tasks can be duplicated or deleted by clicking the options button in the top right corner.

Project tasks can be re-ordered within a phase, this is done by pressing and holding the grid icon on the far left.

Last updated